

WISE 2021 Tutorial- Graph Data Mining in Recommender Systems

Our group gave a tutorial at the 22nd International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE)

Part 1 Graph Mining and Its applications in Recsys [Slides] [Video][Youtube Link]
Part 2 Explainable Rec Sys [Slides] [Video][Youtube Link]
Part 3 Contrastive Graph Rec Sys [Slides] [Video][Youtube Link]

PAKDD 2022 Tutorial- Recent Advances in Causality-based Recommendation

Our group gave a tutorial at the 26th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data mining (PAKDD)

Tutorial: Recent Advances in Causality-based Recommendation [Slides] [Video][Youtube Link]

Conference Presentation:

SIGIR 2022: MGPolicy: Meta Graph Enhanced Off-policy Learning for Recommendations: [Slides][Youtube Link]

The Web Conference 2022: Off-policy Learning over Heterogeneous Information for Recommendation: [Slides][Youtube Link]

The Web Conference 2022: Unsupervised Graph Poisoning Attack via Contrastive Loss Back-propagation: [Slides][Youtube Link]

The Web Conference 2022: Dual Space Graph Contrastive Learning: [Slides][Youtube Link]

IEEE ICDM 2021: Hyper Meta-Path Contrastive Learning for Multi-Behavior Recommendation: [Slides][Youtube Link]

SIGKDD Conference 2020: Where are we in embedding spaces? A Comprehensive Analysis on Network Embedding Approaches for Recommender Systems: [Slides][Youtube Link]

Candidate Assessment:

Candidate Assessment 1 presented by Haoran Yang and Xiangmeng Wang [Slides of Haoran] [Slides of Xiangmeng] [Video]