Dr Guandong Xu is a Professor in the School of Computer Science and Advanced Analytics Institute at University of Technology Sydney. He received MSc and BSc degree in Computer Science and Engineering, and PhD in Computer Science. He has succeeded in three academic promotions from Lecturer to full Professor from 2012 to 2018. His research has received funding from Australian Research Council Discovery and Linkage Project, Cooperative Research Centre Program, government and industry, totalling over $5.5M in past years.
He currently heads the Data Science and Machine Intelligence Lab, which consists of 15+ members of academics, research fellows and HDR students. From Nov 2019, he directs the newly established Smart Future Research Centre, which is an across-disciplines industry engagement and innovation platform for AI and Data Science Application towards smart wealth management and investment, energy, food, water, living, and city.
Yulei Sui is an Associate Professor at School of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney (UTS). He received his PhD from University of New South Wales in 2014. He had worked as a Research Fellow from January 2014 to September 2017 at UNSW, Australia. He Joined UTS to take his current role in October 2017. His general interests are program analysis, compilers, software engineering and machine learning. Particularly, his research focuses on building fundamental static and dynamic program analysis techniques to improve the reliability and security of modern software systems. His recent interest lies in bug prediction, program repair, and software security analysis through data mining and machine learning.
His papers have been published in the top-tier conferences and journals in the field of software engineering and a programming language such as TSE, ICSE, FSE, ISSTA, ECOOP, SAS, CGO, CC, ICPP, LCTES. He was a research intern in the Program Analysis Group in Oracle Lab Australia in 2013. He was a keynote speaker at EuroLLVM 2016, and has been awarded a 2019 SAS Best Paper, a 2018 ICSE Distinguished Paper Award, a 2013 CGO Best Paper, an ACM CAPS award, and an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (2017-2019).
Angela HUO received the B.Eng and Ph.D. degrees from Northeastern University, China in 2002 and 2007, both in Computer Science and Technology. Her research interests include data stream management technology, advanced data analysis, and data-driven cybersecurity.
From 2012 to 2014, Angela HUO taught at the Department of Computer Information System, the University of the Fraser Valley in Canada, and studied at the University of Waterloo as a visiting scholar for one year.
Xianzhi Wang is a lecturer and DECRA Fellow at the School of Computer Science in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology. He received his PhD and Master’s degrees from Harbin Institute of Technology and Bachelor’s degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University. He worked/visited/interned at Singapore Management University, UNSW Sydney, University of Adelaide, Arizona State University, and IBM Research – China (Beijing).
Qian Li received her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS). She is currently a Lecturer at School of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences (EECMS), Curtin University, Australia. Before that, she has been a Postdoc Research Fellow in the Data Science and Machine Intelligence (DSMI) Lab since July 2019. Her recent interests lie in causal machine learning and exploring causal reasoning insights to tackle challenging problems in machine learning, such as robustness and interpretability. Besides, her research focuses on utilizing advanced mathematical tools (such as optimal transport and Riemannian geometry) to alleviate the challenges of computer vision tasks.
Imran Razzak is a Senior Lecturer in Human-Centered AI and Machine Learning at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney (he was an ex-member of DSMI team). He is an associate editors/guest editor of several journals such as IEEE TCSS, IEEE JBHI, IEEE TII, etc. His area of research includes machine learning and NLP with its application to a broad range of topics, particularly deep learning, big data analytics, healthcare, and cyber security. His research mainly focuses on the healthcare sector, and he is passionate about making the healthcare industry a better place through emerging technologies.
Shiqing Wu is currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Data Science and Machine Intelligence (DSMI) lab, in the School of Computer Science, at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). He received his PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Tasmania in 2022 and a joint B.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand) and China Jiliang University (China) in 2016. His research interests involve artificial intelligence, incentive allocation problem, influence maximization problem, social influence analysis, agent-based modeling, and machine learning.
Kaize Shi received his Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the Beijing Institute of Technology and the University of Technology Sydney. He is a Postdoc Research Fellow in the Data Science and Machine Intelligence (DSMI) Lab since 2022. His current research interests include social computing, social sensor-based emergency management, meteorological knowledge service, intelligent transportation, and artificial intelligence technology. He is a guest editor for journals such as IJDSN and WCMC. He also serves as a reviewer for journals such as IEEE TITS, IEEE TCSS, and IEEE IoTJ, and a PC member for conferences such as ICDM 2021 and SEKE 2021&2022. He is a member of the Artificial Intelligence Technical Committee of the China Meteorological Service Association.
High Degree Research students
- Abdullah Mohammed A Alsuhaibani (PhD May 2022)
- Haoran Tang (CQU Master, UTS-PolyU Collaborative degree PhD 08.2022-07.2025)
- Xueyao Sun (JNU Bachelor, UTS-PolyU Collaborative degree PhD 08.2022-07.2026)
- Sirui Huang (Imperial College Master, UTS-PolyU Collaborative degree PhD 08.2022-07.2025)
- Kangzhen Liu (HUST-UTS Collaborative Degree, PhD 2021.09-2026.09)
- Ruilin Zhao (HUST-UTS Collaborative Degree, PhD 2021.09-2026.09)
- Abdul Rehman Javed (PhD 2022 SPR)
- Ashley Nguyen (UTS Bachelor, Master by Research 2022 AUT)
- Ann Chung (U of MELB Bachelor, Master by Research 2022 AUT)
- Dianer Yu (UTS Master, PhD 2022 AUT)
- Dawei Xu (U of MELB Master, PhD Mar 2022)
- Bavly Hanna (Master by Research Oct 2021, PhD upgrade July 2022)
- David Rudd Hason (PhD 2020 AUT)
- Haoran Yang (NJU Bachelor, PhD 2021 AUT)
- Xiangmeng Wang (SHU Master, 2021 AUT)
- Yicong Li (NUDT Master, 2020 SPR)
- Li He, Creditability analysis of user generated contents (USTC Master, PhD 2020 AUT)
- Tri Dung Duong, Interpretable machine learning (HCMUT, PhD 2020 AUT)
- Hamad Zogan, Depression detection in Social Media (SJU Master, PhD 2019 SPR)
- Kye Manning-Lees
- Yifei Zhi
- Avery Ngiam
- Dennis Singh
- Joshua Zerafa
- Rhys Biddle, Detection and Interpretation of Figurative Language for Public Health (PhD 2019.03 – 2022.03, Data Modeller at L3 Lab)
- Jun YIN, Misinformation and misbehaviour detection (PhD 2017.8 – 2021.11)
- Md Rafiqul Islam, Customer Behavior Analytics and Visualization (PhD 2019.02 – 2021.12, Research Associate at UTS)
- Yang HE, A Study on Neural-based Code Summarization in Low-resource Settings (MSc. 2020.01-2021.12)
- Wenhua Wang, Static Analysis-Guided Code Summarization via Deep Learning (PhD 2018.03-2021.12, Postdoctoral Researcher at Beijing Normal University Zhuhai)
- Yangyang Shu, Privileged Machine Learning for Prediction (PhD 2018.07-2021.07, Research Associate at Adelaide University)
- Ben Culbert,Better member outcomes in superannuation through data driven financial literacy prediction (IDP 2018.03 -2021.06, Executive Manager Data management at Westpac bank)
- Charles Chu, Learning and Satisfying Customer Needs for Financial Adviser (IDP 2016.03-2020.08, National Manager of Analytics at Colonial First States)
- James Brownlow, Data Driven Customer Engagement in Australian Superannuation (IDP 2016.03-2020.03, Executive Director Customer Services at Colonial First State)
- Imran Razzak, Sparse Support Matrix Machines for the Classification of Corrupted Data (PhD 2017.08-2019.12, Senior Lecturer at UNSW University)
- Zili Zhou, Network Embedding Learning in Knowledge Graph, (PhD 2016.07-2019.11, Research Associate, University of Manchester)
- Nhi Vo, Machine Learning Algorithm in Wealth Data Analytics (PhD 2016.08-2020.03, Boston Consulting Group Sydney now)
- Razvan Codis, Decision management for next best business action marketing (MSc. 2016.07-2020.03, System Architect at SunCorp)
- Xiao Zhu, Agile Mining – A Novel Data Mining Process for Industry Practice based on Agile Method and Visualisation (MSc 2015.08-2017.07, Data Analyst at Commonwealth Bank Australia )
- Raul Manongdo, Developing client churn prediction models on home- based care services (MSc 2015.08-2018.03, Data Analyst at Accenture)
- Bin Fu, Learning label dependency for multi-label classification (PhD 2013.07-2017.03, Lead Data Scientist at Colonial First State)
- Anand Chinchore, Data Mining of Classification for Sybil User Detection (MSc. 2013.07-2016.10, Data Analyst at Australian College of Applied Psychology)
- Prof Zhiang Wu (Nanjing Auditing University), 2015
- Prof Dingguo Yu (Zhejiang University of Media), 2015
- Prof Lin Li (Wuhan University of Technology), 2016
- Dr Xin Li (USTC, now Data Science Leader at iFlyTek, China), 2016
- Dr Runze Wu (USTC, now Research Engineer at NetEase Hangzhou)
- Dr Dongjing Wang (ZJU, now lecturer Hongzhou Dianzi University), 2017
- Dr Yao Wan (ZJU, now Lecturer at Huazhong University of Science and Technology), 2017
- Dr Haochao Ying (ZJU, now Lecturer at Zhejiang University), 2018
- Dr Wei Gao (Zhejiang University), 2018
- Dr Zafar Saeed, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan, 2018
- A/Prof Baojun Zhang, Zhejiang University of Media, 2018
- A/Prof Zhigang Zhao, Zhejiang University of Media, 2019
- Wei Hua, Shanghai Maritime University, 2019
- Dhruv Aditya Mittal, 2020
- Zhihong Cui, Shangdong University, 2022
- Kaixi Hu, Wuhan University of Technology, 2022
- Huan Liu, Arizona State University, USA
- Jian Pei, Simon Fraser University, Canada
- Irwin King, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Shoib Jameel, Essex University, UK
- John McAleney, Bournemouth University, UK
- King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
- Raian Ali, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
- Leon Wang, National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Haoran Xie, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
- George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
- Shaowu Liu, Colonial First State Investment
- Hongxu Chen, Commonwealth Bank of Australia